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Adding Feeds

Adding feeds

In this part of the guide/tutorial we will be adding/configuring feeds. This example will use a killfeed, but the same method applies to all other feeds

Adding feeds is done through the /add-feed command: add-feed


This is the Discord webhook listener that we set up in getting started, you should recoqnize the unique name you've given this listener - usually, the server name


The event to target for this feed, this is an auto-complete enabled option, and all available values will be shown to you. For this example, we will be creating a kill-feed, so we choose kill


The type for this webhook. There's 2 available types:

Detailed: This type shows all relevant information, leaving nothing for the imagination. This type can also be considered private, as it will output sensitive information like CFTools profile links for users. Generally reserved for Admin logging/monitoring channels

Compact: This type shows only the essential information, as consice as possible, while still being visually pleasing as a feed. This type can also be considered public, as it will never output any sensitive information like users' CFTools profile links


The channel where this feed should be posted, self-explanatory. Doesn't have to be the same channel as where your webhook listener is active, but definitely can be.

Make sure that GameShield has the View Channel, Send Messages, Embed Links and Attach Files permissions for this channel


Should the original CFTools webhook message be deleted? This is optional and by default set to true, as the original CFTools webhook will output sensitive information with our current template settings

Requires the Manage Messages permissions for channel


The color for the embed (in hexadecimal format), if applicable. Use an online color wheel picker, or Discord's color picker (Server Settings > Roles > Color)

That's all! Join your DayZ server, blast your friend in the head with a .50 BMG without telling them, and save the image so you can remind them on a daily basis